The Rotary Social Impact Network: Maximising the Rotary experience

Officially chartered on May 5, 2020, with a membership of 30 Rotary Alumni, the Rotary Social Impact Network (RSIN) is dedicated to creating positive change within the community and within its members.

“Our personalised experience of Rotary is what makes our club innovative and what has brought together community-minded leaders from across the world, covering six countries in four continents,” said Charter President Rebecca Fry.

With a focus on delivering a low-cost, low-time model, this newly visioned club is using the resources its members already have to maximise impact in
the community.

The target audience is 24 to 40-year-olds already engaged with Rotary, who have not yet found a place in the Rotary family that met their needs. Its charter membership boasts 100 per cent Rotary Alumni (or members with involvement in Rotary youth programs), 87 per cent of whom are active or past Rotaractors.